Supernatural stories that are sure to spook you!

If the current state of the planet isn’t enough to scare you, then you’re in for an exciting read as you learn about real people’s encounters with the unknowable! These supernatural encounters will keep you on your toes and double checking the underside of your bed. The fun begins with your popcorn and nightlights.

Once a nurse, always a nurse

Around nine years of age, I got chickenpox. I called my mother in the middle night because sick children can’t take care of themselves. I got more than I bargained.

In the fog of illness, I thought it was my grandmother in a strange outfit. She sat down on my bed to stroke my hair and made me fall asleep. I was so sick that in the fog, I mistook it for my grandmother wearing a strange outfit. When I got up the next morning, I asked my grandmother where she was.

My mother told me she was in her home as she usually is. My mom laughed when I said grandma was in my bedroom the night before. She said I must have dreamed.

My aunt’s reaction was very different when I told her the story while she babysat me. She asked me about the unusual outfit of the person, so I told her that it was a 1950s nurse’s uniform. My aunt was stunned. What I described was much more eerie.

I was describing my house’s previous owner’s wife. This woman was a nurse from the fifties who had died a few months earlier. I had a very unsettling feeling throughout the whole experience.