Workplace horror stories told by disgruntled employees

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I worked in a popular sandwich shop known for “fresh” food. I was hired by the owner and became the main close within a week. I got all the responsibilities of a manager, but without the authority or recognition. One day a man walked into the office and asked to talk to a supervisor.

As the only person with any responsibility at all, I asked what I could do to help him. He said that the sandwich he had ordered online was not right and he wanted a refund. I told him that we could not do refunds but I would give him a credit for the next time or make him a brand new sandwich.

His response was deranged. Then he started screaming and said that I would regret not giving him his money. I told him I would call 9-1-1 in the event he did not calm down. That only made things worse. He tried to grab me by climbing over the makeline, but I managed to get away from him.

He threw his phone at me, and it cut open my eyebrow. Lucky for me, another customer called the police a few minutes before. They came in right then. It’s obvious that he was apprehended, and I filed charges. What was the worst part? The worst part?