Workplace horror stories told by disgruntled employees

Talking Her Into It

I was a cashier in a larger store. As part of my job, I had to sign up customers for our (rather predatory!) credit card. No matter how much money was spent, we were to ask each customer. I was helping a lady and told her that she could save $x by signing up for a credit card.

She was interested but I could tell she did not speak English as her first language. I took out one of our brochures and explained to her clearly that this was a CREDIT CERTIFICATE, not a rewards or other account. She said “Oh no! Not today” when she finally understood. Understandable. It’s understandable.

He asked me why I had done all that and if I tried to discourage every customer from signing up. After I explained, he told me, “Next time sign them up.” They don’t have a clue. I handed him my vest. It was done.