Workplace horror stories told by disgruntled employees

You or I

Tina was my manager at a cleaning service for four months. She was a complete disaster. Tina worked the night shift and did little. She would leave me the bulk of the work during the day, when it was harder to accomplish. I also had my own duties and whatever she left me.

Tina quit her job. I was on the verge of quitting, but I had not found a replacement. One day I received a phone call from head office. The job was great for about a week and I was effectively my own boss. The job was going well again — but then I received a text from Tina, asking me to perform a lot of extra work.

After an hour of my shift, I called the owner. They told me Tina had contacted them to come back. She was being rehired in her old position. I literally packed up and left. I was not going to work another minute for her and I stuck by it.