Workplace horror stories told by disgruntled employees

Day One

Ten years ago I was between careers and got a job as a telemonitor in a hospital. I was in charge of monitoring heart rhythms and searching for signs of heart problems or attacks all night. During orientation they told us that they would page “Dr. “Dr.

It was a rural small hospital so each floor had to send at least two employees for the call. On my first workday, I was greeted by a “Dr. My new coworkers decided to “dive headfirst” into the work. They sent me to handle it. After years of working there, I have answered thousands of calls.

The first pill I took was so crazy, I will never forget it. My co-worker Shawn and I were heading to the ER with a CNA when a scrappy, clearly drug addicted woman decided to enter one of the trauma room and rip out the morphine lines directly from what can only be described as a giant Valkyrie woman.

She then injected the needle in her arm, hoping for her “fix”. Valkyrie wasn’t happy to be woken up in that manner. She stood up and, when she saw what was going on, surprised everyone with her next action. She started beating the hell out of this woman. The addict wasn’t going down without a struggle.

She clung to her back and began wailing at the back of her skull like it was a bag of speed. The blood was all over both of them from the IVs that were ripped out and the punches in the face. Valkyrie was bleeding from a cut lip and black eye, while the addict had both eyes swollen closed.

We restrained the children, called 9-1-1 and provided our statements. My healthcare journey began on Day 1.