Workplace horror stories told by disgruntled employees

Not Today

I was working as a temp and told my employer that I would need a weekend away in a few months to attend my wedding. I said this on my first workday. I reminded my co-workers every two weeks, put it on my calendar and reminded them even that Monday. The weekend arrived, and I had been scheduled. I informed my boss I would need the time off to attend my wedding.

She said “You are just a child, can’t move it?” We need your help. Even though I was married to a 19-year-old girl, it still didn’t matter that I was 21. I laughed and left. I had a wedding on Saturday and Sunday and was fired for two “bad attendance” points. I thought I would be looking for a job the Monday following my wedding.

I visited another temp agency Monday, and by Monday evening had a job lined-up. The temp agency called me on Tuesday and asked if i was returning. I told her what they had done. She was angry, but tried to convince me to return. I liked my new job and decided to stay.