Valuable Discoveries Found In Unexpected Places

116. The discovery of rare mushrooms in Canada raises a mystery of biology

Location: Nechako river, British Columbia (Canada)
The Year 2021 was Discovered
Est. Value Unknown

The Witches’ Cauldron fungus is native to Northern Europe. Its distinctive appearance resembles a cauldron. Cynthia Andal was stunned when she found two dozen of them in British Columbia’s underbrush.

This incredibly rare fungus was found near the Nechako River and stunned the bio community. Michael Preston, a microbiologist and ecologist, stated that British Columbia had never “reported documentation”. It is unclear how this Halloween-like, witchy fungus got to B.C. Unknown for the time being. Witches’ Cauldrons are declining in Northern Europe as their natural habitats are threatened. Maybe it’ll get a revitalization in Canada.

117. The body found under a parking lot is King Richard III

Location: Leicester, England
Discovered Year: 2013.
Est. Value: N/A (Human Remains)

The body of King Richard III was missing for many years. Nobody knew the location of this long-famous, vilified English King. It wasn’t until 2013 that his remains were discovered under a parking garage. The bones found in Leicester, England were positively identified as King Richard III after DNA testing.

The Plantagenet was killed in battle and his corpse was placed on the back of the horse and transported to Leicester. His body was then buried in an extremely humble grave, which was later paved and turned into a parking area. The area in which this evil ruler was discovered is now protected as his final resting spot by law.