Valuable Discoveries Found In Unexpected Places

98. A lifeboat found on the world’s most remote island

Location: Bouvet Island, Norway
The Year 1964 was Discovered
Est. Value: $1,000-$30,000*

Bouvet island is known for being one of the most isolated islands in the world. The island is 944 miles from Antarctica. Although it technically belongs to Norway but is abandoned, the island has been left deserted.

An abandoned lifeboat on an island was discovered in an unexpected turn of events. What shipwrecked on this inhospitable, cold land? It is believed that the lifeboat belonged to an Soviet reconnaissance vessel. There is not much more information about this lifeboat. However, scientists may find out in the near future since an expedition has been planned to the uninhabited island at the start of 2023.

99. The oldest Homo erectus skull

Location : Drimolen Paleo Cave System in Johannesburg, South Africa
The Year 2020 has been Discovered
Est. Value: N/A (Human Remains)

Paleontologists in South Africa discovered bones from people living millions of years before. The primal cavs are home to 900 fossils and bones from the early human era, but none is as old as a shattered head discovered in 2020.

The researchers found the fragment of a Homo Erectus skull that dates back two million years. It was thousands of years younger than any other fossils of H. erectus fossils found. Scientists were thrilled by this discovery, which provided them with new information about how long people have existed.