Valuable Discoveries Found In Unexpected Places

96. The fossilized remains of a whale were found on a farm 200 miles from the ocean

Location: Charlotte, Vermont
Date of discovery: 1849
Est. Value: $38,488*

If you were to guess where the fossils would be found, you’d probably think they are buried under the surface of an ocean or lake. It is no wonder that railway workers in Vermont, digging under a farm to dig a tunnel found fossilized whales.

It was located 200 miles from the sea, with the bones encased in blue gray clay. Later, the farm owners sold these bones for $1000 (equivalent to $38,488 in today’s dollars). The whale is likely to have been buried in the same place thousands of years ago, back when earth’s geography was very different and land covered many areas.

97. Australian Wallabies found in Ireland

County Dublin in Ireland
Years Discovered: 1960s/1950s
Est. Value: N/A

Wallabies, also known as macropods, are indigenous to Australia and New Guinea. They are native to Australia and New Guinea, but somehow ended up in Ireland.

These unexpected Aussies were brought to the island by the Barings family after they decided to take them to Ireland and raise them. Rupert Baring, son of the Barings, originally planned to build a zoo. However, he made a mistake. The wallabies, who were originally caged in a zoo, were instead sent to an isolated island.