Valuable Discoveries Found In Unexpected Places

92. Find a 15th century gold pendant buried in a field

Hertfordshire in England
The Year 2009 was Discovered
Est. Value: $350,000*

Open fields can also be a great place to find unexpected treasures. A metal detector alerted a woman in 2009 as she walked through a field near Hertfordshire with her son.

They didn’t need to dig very far before they found a valuable find. A gold pendant with a picture of Jesus on the Cross was hidden four inches below the surface. Researchers in a lab dated the treasure to 15th century. It is estimated that the treasure was worth around $350,000.

93. A Rice Farmer Discovers an Iconic Relic made of Pure Gold

Location: Shikanoshima Island, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
The Year 1784 was Discovered
Est. Price: $6,010*

A rice farmer discovered the treasure, known as the “King of Na Gold Seal”, while working in the field in Shikanoshima Island on Japan’s Fukuoka Prefecture in 1784. It is made of 95% pure gold and has been declared an official National Treasure of Japan.

The Han Emperor gifted the seal to an envoy from Japan. It was made in China. Unknown is how the seal ended up centuries later in an irrigation ditch. It was hidden under huge boxy rocks that needed two people to move. The Kuroda Clan – the local leaders – kept the seal for two centuries after it was found.