Valuable Discoveries Found In Unexpected Places

90. A 100-Year-Old Ouija Board Was Found In The Walls Of A House

Location: U.S.
year discovered: 2016.
Est. Value: $50-$100*

This find was made in the heating vent of an American house. Builders fled screaming from their home. A builder was frightened in 2016 when he found an old Ouija Board hidden behind a wall inside a heating duct. It was believed that the Ouija board dated back to around 100 years.

According to horror films, these boards date back to 1100 A.D. and can be used to communicate with the spirits (or underworld). This find is incredibly creepy, whether you believe in the spirit world or not.

91. Fisherman Discovers Fish on the Streets of a City Hundreds Of Miles Away from the Ocean

Location : Yoro (Honduras)
The Year Discovered By: Since 1800
Est. Value: N/A

Lluvia De Peces,also called the Rain of Fish is a huge storm that happens once or twice per year in Yoro. This huge storm brings tiny silver fish from the sky onto the streets in the small town that is located miles from any body of water.

The explanations for the Lluvia de Peces vary, but sightings of the phenomenon have been documented since the 1800s. In the 1970s, a National Geographicteam witnessed the strange event. Many have suggested that waterspouts are responsible for the strange event. They believe the waterspouts pick up fish and carry them to Yoro before dumping the “animal rainfall” on the city.