Valuable Discoveries Found In Unexpected Places

56. A student finds Venetian paintings inside a sofa he bought at a flea market

Berlin Location:
year discovered: 2018.
Est. Value: $27,630*

Thrift stores are a great place to look for cheap furniture. A lucky German student bought a couch with a pullout for only $215 in a Berlin store. She found a painting that was worth more than 100 times the price of her couch when she opened it up at home.

The painting, which measures 10 inches by 15 inches, was authenticated and determined to be “Preparation for Escape to Egypt” created between 1605-1620 by Carlo Saraceni. The painting was in a remarkable condition, which was why it sold for almost $28,000 at an auction in Hamburg.

57. Tombstones found washed up on the Beach

Location: Ocean Beach, San Diego, California
Discovered Year: 2012.
Est. Valuation: $1000 – $3000 per tombstone* Value: $1,000-$3,000 per tombstone* (Adj.

This is a sure-fire way to ruin a beach trip. Two beachcombers found something strange on Ocean Beach, San Francisco in 2012. The tombstone of Emma Bosworth was found. She died in 1876 at the age of twenty. A month later, another tombstone washed up on the shore.

This one was dated back to 1890, and it belonged to Delia Prescot, who died at just twenty-six-years-old. San Francisco relocated cemeteries in the city to Colma. This is how tombstones ended up on Ocean Beach. The tombstones that were used in the film were left on Ocean Beach, and were later repurposed as a seawall. These stones were washed up on the beach when parts of the seawall fell off.