Valuable Discoveries Found In Unexpected Places

48. Giant Stone Sphere Found in Bosnian Forest

Location: Zavidovici, Bosnia
year discovered: 2016.
Est. Value: $3,200* (Iron Content Value)

The ten-foot wide, 35-ton ball of stone has sparked a debate among academics about whether or not it was created by Mother Nature. What could the people, or aliens who created it have done with it?

In 2016, a gigantic sphere, measuring over ten feet in diameter was found outside Zavidovici. Semir Osmanagich was nicknamed “Bosnian Indian Jones” for discovering the prehistoric ball. The sphere is likely to have a large iron content, which could make it quite valuable. The largest stone structure in Europe could be the man-made. It may also reveal advanced civilisations from the past that are not well known.

49. Action Comics #1 Found Hidden in Wall

Minnesota Location
Discovered Year: 2010s
Est. Value: $176,000*

Renovations can reveal some amazing things, especially if your home was built many decades ago. David Gonzales found a copy Action Comics # 1, in his Minnesota home when renovating. This was Superman’s debut in DC.

Comic books by Action Comics, a competitor of Marvel were some of the most profitable. The earliest editions are hard to come across amongst comic book collectors. Gonzales’s copy was better than most others. He sold it for almost $200,000 later. The former owners, who built the house in 1938, used the comic along with other papers as insulation on their walls.