Valuable Discoveries Found In Unexpected Places

44. A Mysterious Safe Found in New York Field

Barre (New York)
The Year 2020 has been Discovered
Est. Est.

This is one of the strangest events of 2020. Kirk Mathes found a 600-pound metal safe in the middle of an NY agricultural field. It would have been necessary to transport the metal safe with heavy machinery. However, no one knows who placed it, when or why.

Kirk the farmer has no interest in opening the safe. He believes that mystery is a great way to distract people from their mundane daily routines. Mathes said he didn’t care who put the safe on the field. He expected “jokers” or “wise guys.” No amount of Google can ever answer this question.

45. Find a $4 million chunk of quartz in Arkansas

Location: Coleman Mine, Arkansas
year discovered: 2016.
Est. Value: $4 million*

The Smithsonian Museum has an 8-thousand-pound slab of quartz. The Berns Quartz is a unique stone that was found in an Arkansas mine in 2016. It now welcomes visitors to the Smithsonian Museum as part of their National Gem and Minerals Collection.

The price of a piece of clear Quartz on Amazon is $14, but the value and rarity associated with a cluster that big can be in millions. This cluster formed when the Ouachita mountains began to erode, millions of years before, and exposed the Berns Quartz amongst other deep-buried crystal veins within the Arkansas Mountain range.