Valuable Discoveries Found In Unexpected Places

40. Ancient “City of Giants” Discovered in Ethiopia

Location: Harlaa, Ethiopia
The Year 2017 is Discovered
Est. Prices: Valueless

The ancient city of Harlaa in Ethiopia was discovered by archaeologists while excavating. It sheds light on trade history between Asia and East Africa. Researchers became intrigued by the site when they heard local Harlaa legends of a “city full of giants” which existed in that area a very long time ago.

The locals came across the ruins of the ancient city and assumed, due to the large size of the stones used, that they were built by a giant race. The site, which dates back centuries, has produced a variety of artifacts from China, India and Egypt, including rock crystal, glass, beads, cowryshells, carnelian and pottery. Archaeologists concluded that this ancient city in East Africa was an important cosmopolitan center.

41. Mars’s giant reservoir of “hidden water” discovered

Mars Location:
The Year 2021 was Discovered
Est. Value: N/A

In 2021, the Chinese probe Zhurong will land in Utopia Planitia. This plain is located in northern Mars’ hemisphere. The Chinese probe landed at the same location where NASA’s Viking 2 lander landed in 1976. Zhurong was sent to Mars in 1976 with the mission of finding ancient life. The craft still orbits Mars today.

Scientists and those who believe in the existence of life on other worlds were excited by data that Zhurong returned. Data from the probe indicated that water filled up UtopiaPlanitia basin, proving that Mars is not as dry and cold as scientists once believed. Wet minerals indicate that life may have existed, either in the present or past.