Valuable Discoveries Found In Unexpected Places

28. Ancient Roman Coins Found in Japanese Castle Ruins

Location: Okinawa, Japan
Year Discovered: 2016
Est. Value: $10,000-$100,000*

Katsuren Castle, an old imperial building in Okinawa, Japan, was the site of a very strange discovery: ancient Ottoman and Roman coins. Ten of these ancient coins were found in Japan’s southern prefecture, and it was a researcher from Ganoji, Toshio Tsukamoto, who spotted the coins in the ruins.

Though the excavation of Kasturen began in 2013, the coins were not discovered until 2016. Other artifacts found included Chinese ceramics and coins, which were acquired through trading with China. As for the Roman and Ottoman coins, archeologists are stumped as to how those wound up in a southern Japanese castle-like Kasturen.

29. Man Walking His Dog Finds $100,000 Floating Down River

Location: Lincolnshire, England
Year Discovered: 2013
Est. Value: $100,000*

All dog owners have taken their furry canine friend for a walk before, but one dog dad’s walk yielded something totally unexpected. While walking along the Spalding River in the U.K. in November of 2013, one man spotted wads of cash floating in the water.

He called authorities, who then retrieved the money from the Spalding. All in all, the total sum found ended up being $100,000. Some of the cash had water damage, but the majority of the notes were in good condition, according to Lincolnshire Police, who then conducted a forensic examination of the money to see if they could determine where it came from (and to whom it really belongs).