Valuable Discoveries Found In Unexpected Places

26. Couple Discovers Perfectly Preserved 1961 Fallout Shelter in Their Backyard

Location: Woodland Hills, California
Year Discovered: 2013
Est. Value: $5,400*

The 1960s was an intense time for the world. America and Russia were at odds, and the possibility of nuclear war loomed large on everyone’s mind. Some people even built fallout shelters and bunkers in their backyard. In 2013, a Woodland Hills, California couple discovered such a shelter in their new home.

Though they had known about the bunker when they bought the home, they thought, at the time, that it was just a hole in the ground. When they explored the fallout shelter, they discovered a subterranean time capsule stocked with perfectly-preserved vintage supplies, including food, water, bedding, and more.

27. Farmer Finds 4,500-year-old Statuette of Ancient Goddess

Location: Gaza Strip, Palestine
Year Discovered: 2022
Est. Value: Unknown

While working his land in the Gaza Strip, a farmer stumbled upon a limestone sculpture of Anat, an ancient Canaan goddess. The 4,500-year-old deity was the goddess of beauty, love, and war, according to Canaanite mythology. The farmer, Nidal Abu Eid, told NBC News that he immediately knew the statue was important because it had an “inscription of a snake” on its head.

The goddess, according to the legend, wore the snake as a crown of invisibility and strength. According to some historians, Anat inspired Athena, the Grecian goddess of war, as Athena is also often surrounded by snake imagery.