Valuable Discoveries Found In Unexpected Places

24. Mysterious Metal Monoliths Appear Everywhere in 2020

Location: Utah, California, Romania, and New Mexico
Year Discovered: 2020
Est. Value: Unknown

2020 was an insane year, and one news story that kept popping up sparked quite a few alien conspiracy theories. In Utah, California, Romania, and New Mexico (prime alien locations), identical monoliths kept popping up. These long, vertical metal slabs stood ten to twelve feet long, and they appeared in these locations without warning.

People were reminded of 2001: A Space Odyssey, and, like the totems in that movie, not much is known about these, which is likely the point. They are inexplicable and beautiful, and no one can decide whether this was an art installation, a government mind control attempt, a weird prank, an alien invasion, or something else.

25. Lavish Third-Century Home Found Under the Streets of Rome

Location: Rome, Italy
Year Discovered: 2017
Est. Value: Unknown

In 2017, excavators were digging underneath Rome to build a new metro line. As Rome is one of the oldest major cities, a lot of interesting things were found. For example, during the digging, builders found the ruins of a fancy third-century home that had been destroyed in a fire.

They also found a 1,800-year-old skeleton of a crouched dog that likely perished in the blaze. The fire stopped the ruins in their tracks, and the home, though charred, was remarkably well-preserved because of the ash. Experts believed that this home belonged to an aristocrat from Celian Hill.