There Are Not Enough Restrooms
I was 6’4″ tall and crammed into a tiny seat in economy for a trans-US flight of five hours on United Airlines’ 757. I was two rows behind the bathroom at the rear of the aircraft. In the row before me was a mom holding a baby crying. A mom with the same baby in the row in the back of me. The flight leaves at 6:05am. The turbulence and crying babies are keeping me awake.
The baby behind me is constantly kicking my back seat. The mom was fair and apologized for her situation, but it wasn’t much of an option as she had to sit in a small economy seat. Around hour three the mom in ahead has to change her baby’s diaper, but there is no toilet available. She returns to her seat and does it on the tray table at the back of the seat.
It was disgusting. United had sent my luggage to another airport, so I did not receive them until the following day.