Unforgettable Airline Travel Horror Stories

Rubber Gloves Are Required

I was waiting for a flight to Denver. The flight attendants are arguing about the fact that he is in “business” class and paid for it. The flight attendant tries explaining to him that this is a two class flight with first and coach. But he won’t listen. I figured he would be connecting to a three-class international flight at the next airport, but whatever.

He decides to sit in the first class regardless. He squeezes himself into the first-class last row, takes the window seat and won’t move. After much argument with the flight attendants the authorities are called. The HUGE man who was sitting in the seat next to him (probably 6’8″ tall) was laughing and enjoying the situation.

It was hilarious when the police arrived and the man told them “Hey it’s not you”. They spend 20-30 minutes talking to the old man, but he won’t move and becomes increasingly incoherent. The officers finally have to act: they grab the man, drag him from the seat and place him on the ground to handcuff him.

The old man is screaming and crying as if someone is hurting him. Finally, he is taken off the plane. They came back to collect everyone’s information in case they need it for a court trial. The flight attendants were forced to clean up the seats after the old man soiled himself while being pulled out of his seat.