These 13 celebrities look completely different after losing weight

Chaz Bono Dance And Diet

Chaz Bono can attest to the difficulty of losing 60 pounds. The ‘Dancing With The Stars” alum was forced to adhere to a strict low carb diet in order to achieve a thinner body. It takes a lot of self-control to eat only fruits and vegetables and avoid all grains and starches. Chaz follows a Freshology diet that includes interesting recipes. You may think that a diet of this kind can be boring. Bono also exercises by taking dance classes. Chaz makes losing weight fun.

Chris Pratt: Exercise and Hydration

As a reputable studio like Marvel, there are expectations that you maintain your physique. Chris Pratt knows this better than anyone, as he weighed over 300 pounds in his past. The ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ actor knows what keeps him fit and slim. The actor says that drinking water is the key to staying fit and slim. He even calls it the first step towards a healthy life style. Chris also shared that he runs on a treadmill listening to Alicia Keys’ music. Chris’ eccentric workouts have helped him lose 12 pounds and he is still going strong.