These 13 celebrities look completely different after losing weight

Paul Wall – Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Paul Wall, a rapper from the United States who is known for songs such as ‘Sittin Sidewayz and ‘I’m Throwed’ is incredibly talented. But being successful does not mean that you don’t have any worries. Wall was overweight for most of his adult life. He tried diets and exercise, but it didn’t work. In 2010, Wall decided to take action. Wall, who underwent a gastric-sleeve procedure, lost 100 pounds.

Christian Bale – Diet Control

Christian Bale is known for changing his physique dramatically for each role. He has won two Golden Globes. Bale showed his dedication when he shed more than 63 pounds in 2004 to appear in “The Machinist”. The actor had to take extreme measures in order to achieve dramatic results within a short period of time. He ate only one apple and one tuna can per day. Christain has a knack for shaping his body. He managed to gain the weight back in just one year.