These 13 celebrities look completely different after losing weight

Rex Ryan – Gastric Banding

Rex Ryan, the New York Jets coach, chose the same procedure after seeing his brother’s results. His brother lost 50 pounds following the gastric banding. Ryan, who weighed in at 348 pounds, lost 100 of them within two years, after the surgery and a lifestyle change. The coach walked for 45 minutes a day and only ate as much as he needed. Ryan’s decision to improve his health wasn’t an easy one, but he knew it was important if he wanted to be around to watch his children grow.

Mariah Carey – Gastric Sleeve surgery

Mariah Carey, like most of us, has admitted that she struggles with her weight. She is a food lover who hates exercise. In 2017, she underwent gastric-sleeve operation, which saw her lose 30 pounds. A nutritionist advised Carey to cut out carbs and increase her protein intake, as this would help her stay fuller longer. Carey’s sugar cravings were quelled by fruit. The diva enjoys regular walks and swimming. These exercises are now part of her exercise routine.