These 13 celebrities look completely different after losing weight

Alec Baldwin- Intermittent fasting

Alec Baldwin was one of those people who needed a crisis in order to get back on track. Before being diagnosed with pre diabetes, he didn’t give much thought to what he was eating. He would often eat out at night. Baldwin was prompted to change his lifestyle by this diagnosis. He began intermittent fasting and eliminated all sugar from his diet. The actor’s hard work paid off as he lost 30 pounds within four months.

Graham Elliot – Gastric Surgery

Graham Elliot, a former chef who had a passion for cooking, weighed 400 pounds after overindulging. Elliot, who was born into a family of heart disease sufferers and had a BMI over 50, knew that he needed to do better for himself. The TV personality changed his lifestyle after a three-hour procedure to reduce the size of his stomach and body. Elliot lost 129 pounds by mainly running and removing carbs from his daily diet.