These 13 celebrities look completely different after losing weight

Forest Whitaker: Becoming a vegetarian and exercising

Forest Whitaker, who is known for his role as a character actor in films, gained 70 pounds while filming ‘The Last King of Scotland. He began to take care of his health the year after the filming. Forest met a nutritionist who changed his lifestyle. The actor became vegetarian. A new exercise program was created, including martial arts, running, swimming and hiking. Forest’s body has been toned by burning calories.

Sherri Shepherd: Sugar-Free Diet and Keto Diet

Sherri Shepherd (Ramona Platt in ABC’s “Less than Perfect”) made the right choice when she changed her lifestyle to a healthier one and shed 41 pounds. Sherri Shepherd’s mom instincts kicked into gear when she was diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes. She knew that a major lifestyle change was needed because she is all her children have. Sherri lost weight and reversed her diabetes diagnosis by cutting out sugar from her diet and following the keto-diet. Sherri’s social media pages show that she is feeling and looking better than ever. We are not surprised!