These 13 celebrities look completely different after losing weight

Queen Latifah – A Lifestyle Change

According to Queen Latifah it is impossible to live a healthier life unless you love yourself as you are right now, flaws and all. Latifah, who wanted to be able to enjoy life more, embarked on her weight loss journey. She ditched her carb-heavy diet in favor of more vegetables. The actress exercises five days a weeks, mainly doing cardio and outdoor activities like hiking and cycling. The scale showed a 20-pound weight loss.

John Goodman – Plant based diet and training

John Goodman had previously worked with a personal trainer. He had been on a 3-month program that helped him lose 85 pounds. However, he gained it back in 90 days. Goodman’s personal trainer, determined to change Goodman’s perspective, challenged him to think about his daughter and wife if he were no longer able to care for them. Goodman was convinced to adopt a healthier way of life after Goodman’s trainer challenged him to start thinking about his wife and daughter if he were no longer able to take care of them. He began doing cardio and weight training, while changing to a vegan diet. In three years the actor has lost 100 pounds, which is really commendable.