These 13 celebrities look completely different after losing weight

Tom Arnold: No Junk Food and More Exercise

Tom Arnold never let his body affect his self-esteem. Tom Arnold was not interested in changing himself to meet conventional beauty standards. Tom decided to lose weight because he wanted to be a better father and husband. Arnold realized that if he was overweight, he would not be able to perform his duties as a father and husband. He cut out junk food from his diet and began daily exercise. His family must be very proud of him for losing more than 100 pounds!

Britney Spears: Workout and Healthy Diet

Britney Spears is known for her songs such as ‘Toxic,’ ‘Oops I Did It again’ and many others. She is so stunning that it’s hard to believe she was ever worried about her weight. Britney Spears went through a difficult time in her life, when she struggled with both weight gain and health problems. The determined diva didn’t stay in her funk for very long. She worked hard to improve. Britney began to eat healthier and exercise, giving her the incredible body she has now.