These 13 celebrities look completely different after losing weight

Roseanne Barr Gastric Bypass Surgery

Roseanne Barr wasn’t always slim – in the 1990s, she weighed a whopping 350 pounds. Roseanne Barr decided to see a doctor about her weight gain and take action. She underwent gastric bypass surgery which helped her to lose 80lbs. Barr had to undergo a second tummy-tuck after the procedure, which resulted loose skin. Roseanne gained a few pounds over the years. She kept it under control with the “revolutionary radical” diet that encourages movement and less eating. It’s that simple!

Drew Carey – Diet And Exercise

Draw Carey, the host of “The Price is Right,” has lost 90 pounds. He looks amazing. He was motivated to lose weight because obesity was affecting his energy and shortness of breathe. He wanted to be healthy. Carey, who believed that “nothing tastes better than skinny feels,” swore off carbs and fizzy beverages. He exercised regularly and paid attention to his hydration. The results are impressive. Drew is a man we are proud of for taking charge of his own health.