The World’s Most Horrible Attention-Seeking Behavior, according to People from Around the World

3. You Get What You See

This kid was a jerk. He would always come and bully my goats. He would poke them through with sticks, toss rocks at them and spook them by loud noises, but he never went INTO the pen. He was afraid of them. He should have been more aware. He was 16 years old.

We all hear this bloodcurdling scream one day. The kid screams at the tops of his lungs.

‘The goat! The goat is on my tail! Help!’

We turned to see the billy goat looking at him through sliding glass doors. It would headbutt on the glass every now and then. This was a very docile creature. He would have never hurt a flie…but was after the boy’s life.

The kid was torturing the goat. He had the kid pinned against the wall to the pen and threw rocks and sticks in the animal’s parts.

The goat chased him into the house, climbed the fence and ran him over three acres of land.

The child waited two hours to see if the goat would leave, but it didn’t. The goat would attack him every time he tried to open a door.

The goat eventually disappeared, and the child tried to sneak out of a window with his feet first…and started screaming again because the goat was right there head-butting him as he climbed down.

The experience was liberating.