The World’s Most Horrible Attention-Seeking Behavior, according to People from Around the World

7. Wait Your Turn

I was about 10 or 11 years old when my mom’s best friend came to visit. She brought her children with her. I brought my DS to my grandmother’s home and was having a great time. I was having a great time showing my Pokemon White 2 to the other children, mainly showing them off my level 100 bug (the purple bug – I forget what it’s called). ).

Then my little brother Allen asks to play and I refuse. He repeats this until he says, in an annoying 5 year old voice: “IF YOU DO NOT PLAY WITH MY I WILL PEE ON YOU!”

After showing my bug stats, something warm runs down my back. I turn around… AND THIS TINY KID IS PEEING ON ME! I jump and screech, “MOOOOOMM !!!!! Allen was still running behind me, trying to get more. The entire time, Allen was giggling and laughing.

I run behind her and she is enraged. After a few seconds, we heard a loud WHAM!, followed by tears. After a few more smacks, mom came out and got me a brand new shirt and put the dirty shirt into the washing machine. Allen finally comes out, with red-purple eyes and tears streaking down his face. “Sorry …”” he mumbles, looking at his feet.

I told him that it was okay. I don’t recall much else. But I remember my mother telling grandma how she used the wooden spoon to make him go bare-butt… These were the worst beatings.