The World’s Most Horrible Attention-Seeking Behavior, according to People from Around the World

10. Try to Impress the Girl

He was locked inside his house because he had slept there while both parents were at work. He was given his last warning for not attending class (this was the 6th form at an open school, so you could decide whether or not to attend). He jumped out of his upper-floor bedroom window to avoid being dropped. Unfortunately, he broke his leg and both knees. He lay on his driveway in the sun for 30 minutes before a neighbour found him and called 911.

We asked him, “Why not climb out of the window on the ground floor?” (which he could do perfectly well). He said it would be cooler to jump and do a combat roll down in order to impress the girl he liked.

He had been in a wheelchair 2 months, but failed to win the girl.