The World’s Most Horrible Attention-Seeking Behavior, according to People from Around the World

27. Drama Queen

The oldest of her three children is a drama queen. She was an only daughter for several years and she was considered the “golden child” by everyone. She was a victim of her own attention for a long time. The year that her youngest child was born, Christmas came. Everyone fell in love and adored the baby.

The oldest daughter couldn’t take it anymore and pushed over the tree, shattering several ornaments that belonged to our grandmother. Grandma did things a certain way. She would put the old and expensive ornaments at the top of the tree, where little children couldn’t get to them. The bottom of the trees were the plastic ornaments that are cheap and the paper chains.

The tree fell on the great-grandma, who was sleeping in an armchair in the corner. It knocked several photos from the wall and crushed some presents. She suffered from tiny vertical cuts that never healed. The kid jumped on the gifts to add insult to injury.

She destroyed Christmas literally.