Rich people who are out of touch

Unpleasant Interactions

I worked in a fancy event center, where yuppies held their weddings. It was easy to do my job; I just had to open doors or click buttons in the elevator. A man I had opened the door for came back to speak to me one time. He asked me where I was from and what I think about him adopting his daughter from Korea.

I was raised as an Asian American in the United States and I replied with “Yeah, that’s cool..good on you.” He asked me personal questions and made offensive remarks about my life in Korea. He said, for example, that the fact I spoke English fluently was incredible.

It’s funny that I am not even Korean. I’m Cambodian. I told him that Korea and Cambodia were very different countries, even though both are in Asia. I am from an upper middle class family that is very well educated. But in these times, it feels like I’m from the slums.