Rich people who are out of touch

Swallow Your Pride

He was an adjunct professor in my film class, and he had some of the most interesting stories. We would hang out with him after class to listen to his tales of being a director. This professor had a college friend who was an executive. They would meet for dinner once or twice a year to share stories and reminisce.

My professor would protest, but his executive friend always booked a nice restaurant. He always paid for the meal. The professor, who had a good year in general, demanded that his friend pay this time. The friend agreed, and the bill was $12,000 when it arrived. The professor swallowed pride and paid the bill reluctantly.

His work was successful, but not always consistent. As he was about pay, the friend laughed and snatched away the booklet and said he’d already done it. My professor told me that he would need to save a year’s pay in order to buy one day of the friend’s life. It’s absurd.