Real-Life Horror Stories

9. Two More Days

My grandfather had heart problems when I was 18. Every morning I would go to his home to see him. I would talk to him and help him around the home. We’d watch TV together.

Since my grandmother’s death 3 months ago, he has been lonely. This moment will stay with me forever. When I arrived at his home on June 7, my grandfather was smiling the most. I was thrilled to see him smile.

Guess what? In 2 days, I will go to see my wife. In that moment, I was sure my grandfather had lost his mind. My grandfather died in his sleep two days later, despite what you may think. It is frightening, creepy and disturbing to think about it.

It’s like he already knew that he was going to die within 2 days. In addition, he seemed to be smiling and calm the last two days that he lived. It felt as if he knew things we didn’t.