How much do actors really earn from reruns?

Every actor dreams of landing a role in a popular show. A successful series can provide a steady income long after the show has ended. According to syndication agreements, stars could earn millions over the years from residuals.

Most syndication agreements are simple. The star signs an agreement at some point in the show’s run to determine what he or she can expect from reruns. This decision is influenced by many factors, such as the popularity of the show, i.e. the likelihood of it being rerun repeatedly on the networks.

These talents, from the cast of friends, to the Emmy Award-winning actors who are the richest, prove that money is not only made on the big screen. Discover why these stars have smiling accountants.

1. Ted Danson

Seasons: 11
Finale Episode Airdate: May 20, 1993
Show Residuals – Up to $5 Million a Year*

Ted Danson is a well-known actor, but he’s best known for his role as Sam Malone in NBC’s CheersThe show Cheers is still one of the most popular shows on television.

After Cheers aired, some interesting facts about the show were revealed. The location of the show, the Bull & Finch Pub was selected from the phonebook. The producers asked Tom Kershaw to film exterior footage. Kershaw agreed, for a mere $1!

Since then, Danson has played several roles that have boosted his bank account, including roles in The Good Place , Bored to Death and Curb Your Enthusiasm . Danson can retire knowing he will still receive up to $5m a year for his 80s sitcom. This is a much nicer pension than we can hope to receive!