Faith, After 23 years of marriage, never saw this coming

Making it Last

Faith and Tim are still in love, despite the fact that many couples have trouble maintaining their spark. McGraw’s tongue-in cheek answer to the question of how they stayed together so long was: “She tolerates a great deal, that’s probably why.” Faith laughed, but admitted that Tim also “tolerate[s]” a great deal.

Fame In The Family

Tim McGraw didn’t know that his father was not some random backwoods nobodies. Tug McGraw lived directly above his mother’s apartment in Jacksonville, Florida. His mother had just graduated from high school. Tug McGraw was pitching at the time for the Jacksonville Suns which was a triple-A international team. Betty McGraw, Tim’s mom, was sent to Louisiana when she became pregnant. Tug McGraw was not burdened by her unplanned pregnancy and continued to play in the major leagues.